Beef Shares: Half Cow DEPOSIT

Beef Shares: Half Cow DEPOSIT


Beef Shares Available: February and March
Half Cow Deposit: $200
Whole Cow Deposit: $300
Deposits are Non-Refundable, as they go towards covering the costs of the processing fees.

We are partnering with our good friends at Ravens Glen Farm in Fort White to offer beef shares from there beautiful and well taken care of cows.  They are pastured and grain finished to develop beautiful marbling in the meat.

These are smaller cows so the hanging weight is going to average somewhere around 400lbs, (350-450lbs likely) and will yield around 250 lbs of packaged product.

Cost: $6.25/lb on hanging weight
Whole Cow: $2200-2800 (these are estimated costs and will vary the final hanging weight)
Half Cow:  $1100-1400